Anthurium Plant Sale and Lei Making Demonstration
It’s time for the annual Kauai County Farm Bureau Fair. Along with rides, food and entertainment there will be lots of wonderful plants and flower demonstrations to view. Kalani Tropicals will be participating through the Kauai Anthurium Club and the Hawaii Tropical Flower & Foliage Association (of which we are members).
This is your chance to pick up different varieties of potted anthurium plants at the Kauai Anthurium Club Sale. Plants will be available at their booth from August 22 till the 25th. Make sure to visit the Exhibition Tent too and admire the Prize winning plants in the annual Aunthurium Club Show.
Also don’t miss the Hawaiian Floral Lei Design Show with talented Lei Makers from Kauai. A presentation brought to you by the Hawaii Tropical Flower & Foliage Association will happen on Friday, August 23 from 6 – 9pm in the Exhibition Tent. The Lei Makers will present the traditional Leis of all the Hawaiian Islands as well as a variety of other Lei making styles. All Leis will be available for purchase with proceeds going towards the HTFFA 2014 Scholarship fund.
Cuttings from Kalani Tropicals’ fancy Ti plant collection and potted plants for Lei making will also be available for purchase to support the Scholarship fund.