Valentines Special Heart Shaped Tropical Flowers from Hawaii

Happy Valentines Day! Hau’oli la Aloha! (Happy Day of Love)

Happy Valentines Day! Hau'oli la Aloha! (Happy Day of Love) This year, Valentines Day is on Friday, February 14. *We…

Exotic Heliconia flowers

Discover the Beauty of Heliconias at Kalani Tropicals At Kalani Tropicals on the island of Kauai, we specialize in…

Learn about Ginger flowers

The Ginger Family: A Tropical Treasure The ginger family (Zingiberaceae) is a diverse group of tropical herbs, with…

Happy Summer Solstice

Aren’t flowers wonderful? Each one seems to have it’s own personality! We thought we’d share this one with you today on…

Happy Earth Day!

For us, living on Kauai surrounded by plants, greenery... and dirt, practically everyday seems like Earth Day :) But on…

In the Anthurium Shade House

We have two separate shade houses for our Anthurium plants: one is for our Obake anthuriums and more rare varieties;…