Indonesian Wax Ginger
Do you think that Beehives look unreal? Well, let us introduce you to Indonesian Wax Ginger... These dark red…
October 18, 2019
White Torch Ginger
We had a nice surprise while picking flowers out in the “deep jungle” this morning and noticed the rare White Torch…
June 9, 2019
It’s time for the Annual Kauai County Farm Bureau Fair!
The County Fair is the largest family event on Kauai, August 16 - 19, at Vidinha Stadium in Lihue, “Four Days of Fun,…
August 15, 2018
Pendent Heliconia “Rostrata Ten Day”
Pendents are one of the most dramatic flowers in the Heliconia family and our "Rostrata Ten Day" are putting on quite a…
August 1, 2018
Learn about Bromeliads
One of the most beautiful foliage types we grow in our private collection are Bromeliads. There are 1000's of species…
October 21, 2016
Anthurium Plant Sale and Lei Making Demonstration
It's time for the annual Kauai County Farm Bureau Fair. Along with rides, food and entertainment there will be lots of…
August 20, 2013